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How to Earn 6-Figures in Holistic Nutrition

Does this story sound familiar to you?

You graduated from nutrition school totally jazzed about building your holistic nutrition practice.  You thought you had all the pieces in place for a successful nutrition business – the counseling program, the website, the business cards, the brochure, and the fire inside to spread your message about holistic health and nutrition.  You’re doing workshops, meeting referral partners, launching events, and coaching clients…you’re working your butt off!  And yet you’re almost dead broke.

I know your story, because I had the same experience!

Until one day I realized….why waste your valuable time and money building your practice using unproven strategies and trial and error, when it’s possible to discover the biggest mistakes – and the most effective strategies – of Holistic Nutrition Professionals who have careers that are already thriving?

I mean, how much money and time could you save if you could analyze, understand and MODEL real-world, profitable holistic nutrition practices?

With this in mind, I interviewed ten top holistic nutrition pros to discover EXACTLY how they built their booming careers.  And I learned that there are three keys to success in holistic nutrition.

1.    Passion

Most holistic nutritionists got into this career because they had a personal experience with nutrition that utterly transformed their own lives. They have a deep, burning conviction in the transformative power of nutrition, and a driving desire to help other people experience that transformation.

2.    Persistence

Would you believe that even Dawn Jackson Blatner, author of the best-selling “Flexitarian Diet” and featured nutritionist in magazines and TV shows all over the country, was turned down over and over again for almost every job she got? Even this brilliant and gifted nutritionist, who has made an indelible mark on the industry, had to push past “NO” a hundred times. 

Kathie Swift, Dr. Mark Hyman’s featured nutritionist in “UltraMetabolism” had to spend years convince top doctors about the benefits of nutrition and functional medicine before she could help create the now world-renowned nutrition and medical programs at Canyon Ranch Spa and Resorts.

These trailblazing holistic nutritionists had a driving passion for their work, and they simply didn’t take “no” for an answer!

3.    Passive Income

There is no doubt about it – the most successful holistic nutritionists are able to go beyond the traditional model of seeing individual clients and being paid by the hour.  These savvy nutrition pros know exactly how to package, price and market their services, so that they have products and services practically selling themselves when they’re asleep, at the gym, or on vacation at the beach!

By leveraging this kind of passive income stream, the top holistic nutrition pros have been able to easily explode their practices into the six-figure mark and beyond.

So what does studying and modeling the careers of successful Holistic Nutrition Pros mean for you?

If you’re someone with a passion for nutrition, who wants to turn that passion into a career…

It means that it IS possible to make a great living while doing you love to do, instead of going to a job everyday that drains you.

If you’re a practicing holistic nutrition pro, but you’re not getting enough clients or making enough money…

This means the difference between getting two clients this month, and getting TEN clients this month.

For both practicing nutrition pros and nutrition-pros-to-be….

This means the potential to add a ZERO onto your currently yearly income…by helping people transform their lives through the power of food.

Effective Real Estate Marketing – Realtors Buckle Up & Get Ready to Explode Your Commissions

Real estate marketing is very important if you want to get the word out about what is offered. One word of real estate marketing advice that you need to pay attention to is using multiple streams of it. Don’t rely upon one particular type to get your information recognized. There are plenty of places online where realtors can turn to for real estate related materials. Try to implement as many of them as you possibly can.Some real estate agents have the assumption that real estate marketing has to be expensive. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. You can use both online and offline methods to make it work for you. If you are in the real estate business then it does make sense to have your own website in place. This way you can continue to update listings and new ones to that same location.If you are only using real estate marketing to sale one piece of property now and then you will want to post it on other sites. The fees associated with them are very affordable. You will be able to get many hits to generate too if you use those sites that are very popular. Do a couple of searches with various search engines and see what seems to come up often.Make Your Listing Stand OutHowever, so real estate marketing advice to consider here is that there will be plenty of other people listing on those sites to. You need to make your listing stand out above and beyond that of the competition. Make sure you have plenty of valuable information to share as well as pictures of the property you have for sale.The newspaper still makes a very valuable real estate marketing tool. You can look for open houses to go see in your area. You can also list what you have for sale. If it is also advertised online then make sure you include the URL to it. That way people can have multiple methods for checking out what you are selling.You will find that when the economy is in a rut like it is now there are fewer people buying homes. Therefore you may assume it should take six months to a year for you to sell it. However, if you know how to go about real estate marketing it shouldn’t take you that long. The trends out there shift all the time so you need to stay on top of them. You can find out what is talking place in the market by reading articles and talking to others in the real estate business or by reading industry news.That is because even with the market being slow people always need a home. They may be purchasing their first one, upgrading to a larger home, or down sizing due to their family dynamics changing. Babies are born and older children move out all the time. It is due to these types of changes that paying close attention to the real estate marketing advice out there will help you. If you want to take your real estate business to the next level please read below.

Earning Your Degree Through Online Education

Do you want to get back to school? Have you got an active schedule already? If you ever answered yes to these questions then you may ought to consider attending an online school. Online colleges offer you advantages, like the convenience of completing your education at your own pace. This can be great in case you have a full time job or some other engagement that keeps you busy.It depends on the online school you elect to attend, but many of them have flexible time limits so you might be able to complete your online courses. Some schools will offer you an online course that is more tightly focused and short, while some will give you an online course which is divided up into semesters, like traditional colleges do. Additionally you could possibly have the possibility of attending a college that permits you many months to finish your online college courses at your own pace.Receiving an online college education will not hold you back, regarding the degree you complete. This is because online schools offering a variety of degrees that you choose from. Depending on the school that you opt to attend, it may be an extension from an on-campus program, or it could be a course that is entirely dedicated to giving an online college education.Almost every degree that you would be able to achieve at a traditional college campus can be found through online college courses. You have the opportunity of getting your degree at every level while you attend an online college. The levels of degrees that you may earn online are associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and plenty of doctoral positions. If you wish to give your career a boost then earning one of these online degrees is an efficient start as it will help strengthen your resume, that can bring about better future employment.Another new selling point of attending an online college is that you will get to accomplish your degree in the comfort of your own home. To make sure that you’ll be receiving the very best quality of your online college education, many online schools offer you the ability to have interaction along with your instructors online. This is accomplished by using a a number of ways such as emails, online chatting, as well as class discussions on forums.There are numerous online degree programs available, most of which include:* Business- you’ll take courses such as these in this program: bookkeeping, clerical, sales, and hospitality management* Criminal Justice- these programs offer courses in law enforcement, corrections, homeland security, and forensic science* Art and Design- courses your participate in Art and Design include computer animation and design, graphic art and design, animation, interactive media, and other art education* Beauty- parts of this include cosmetology, esthetics, spa, and makeup artistry* Culinary Arts- the different courses inside this system include wine studies, restaurant management, culinary arts studies, baking and pastry arts, and catering management* Education- history teaching education, special education, health science, language arts education, and neuroscience all fall under the education programs* Human Services- areas within this program include philosophy, counseling, marriage and family therapy, social services, and child studies* Legal- degrees you could learn within the legal programs include legal nurse consultant, legal office administration, and paralegal studies* Healthcare- you could earn a degree in orthopedics, medial transcription, physician assistant, certified nursing assistant, and iridology* Massage and Spa- the various degrees that you could choose between in these programs include colonica hydrotherapy, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, yoga instructor, massage therapy, reiki, and parapsychics* Trade Skills- certain trade skills that you can earn a degree in include becoming an electrician, Nascar technician, clock making and repair, home inspection training, and marine mechanics* Information Technology- degrees that are available in these programs include computer information systems, programmer, software engineering, Microsoft certified systems engineer, and computer scienceAs you can see, there are a wide array of online degrees designed for you to earn through online colleges. You just need to determine which degree meets your requirements, think about which one will best benefit your future, then pick which school you’ll attend to achieve your degree.